Mobile Response and Stabilization Services

1-888-418-MRSS (6777) What Are Mobile Response and Stabilization Services? Mobile Response and Stabilization Services (MRSS) are resources Coleman has made available to help children, young adults (up to age 21), and their families experiencing a mental or behavioral...

Employment Services – For Employers

The Benefits of Hiring and Retaining Employees in Recovery: A Win-Win Approach   Effective Workplace Policies & Practices Can Help Save Money & Save Lives! Individuals in recovery from substance use disorder (SUD) are a largely untapped economic resource....

Case Management

Case Management for Adults, Adolescents & Children The impact of mental health challenges goes beyond just the medical symptoms. Active recovery for those with mental illness involves a wide range of integrated care, person-centered treatment and community...


Counseling for Adults, Adolescents & Children It’s ok to not be okay.  When life brings challenges that feel impossible to bear – impacting your work, your relationships and your quality of life, Coleman is here to help you work through what’s troubling you. Our...

Crisis Intervention & Stabilization

A crisis occurs when a stressful life event overwhelms an individual’s ability to cope effectively in the face of a perceived challenge or threat. Crises occur at the spur of the moment and in a variety of settings as trauma can arise quickly. Crises are temporary,...

Employment Services – For Clients

Jobs for People with Disabilities At Coleman, we understand that the impact of mental health challenges goes beyond just the medical symptoms. It can also affect your ability to get or keep a job. Our goal is to help you regain your sense of stability and independence...

Evaluation & Diagnostic Assessment

What is evaluation and diagnostic assessment? This process consists of gathering information to assess an individual’s behavioral health needs. This helps clinicians determine the best service mix of mental health, addiction, and/or employment and vocational...

Residential Services

Residential Placement Stable housing is critical to the recovery process. Coleman helps individuals find temporary and permanent housing to foster independence and build critical skills.   Supportive Living   Coleman recognizes the direct correlation between...

Jail Liaison Support

Jail Diversion Program Jail Diversion for People with Mental Illness Jail diversion programs are specifically designed to identify and divert individuals with mental illness and addictions from the criminal justice system into appropriate treatment within the mental...


Payeeship Social Security Representative Payeeship In this situation, Coleman is appointed by the Social Security Administration as a qualified representative payee to help individuals who receive Social Security and/or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments...