Winter Newsletter: A Note from Nelson

Jan 10, 2021 | Uncategorized

What a year 2020 was! 12 months ago, 2020 was starting strong and expectations were for a “normal” year. Then there was news from China of a strange new virus, but it was so far away and we felt safe. Remember that feeling?

2020 has taught us many things and has changed the way we handle problems and set priorities. Seemingly overnight we switched from in person treatment to providing telehealth services. Our clinical staff quickly adapted to telehealth and, every one of our 800 plus employees switched to meeting their colleagues both in and out of Coleman via little boxes on a screen so we all feel like we are a part of the Brady Bunch. We were challenged to find and acquire appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) and other necessary protections for staff and clients alike.

The stresses and pressures of last year created a greater than ever need for Coleman’s services. Let me assure you that Coleman is here to serve all those who need our services, regardless of their ability to pay. And, while we offer telehealth services, we will always continue to be open and to see people in person.

Despite the challenges of last year, I am grateful for many things. First, I am grateful for Coleman’s employees. They have stepped up to the challenges and met them. When presented with a problem, they have found ways to solve it. Creativity and flexibility have been paramount while maintaining exceptional services for our clients. Second, I am grateful for our clients. They, too, have had to make changes and adapt to the trials 2020 brought. Third, I am grateful for our supporters and donors. Our events and fundraisers had to be cancelled and/or presented virtually. Despite that, our donors and supporters stepped up and helped us meet our goals for the events. Finally, perhaps selfishly, I am glad that 2020 is behind us. Plans to roll out the vaccine are underway (even though it will take time to distribute widely) and there is finally light at the end of the tunnel.

My 2021 promise to you is that Coleman will continue to adapt as necessary in order to provide quality behavioral health, recovery, and rehabilitation services.

With gratitude,
