Mobile Response and Stabilization Services

1-888-418-MRSS (6777) What Are Mobile Response and Stabilization Services? Mobile Response and Stabilization Services (MRSS) are resources Coleman has made available to help children, young adults (up to age 21), and their families experiencing a mental or behavioral...

Coleman Crisis Stabilization Unit

Coleman’s Crisis Stabilization Units (CSU) serve people facing addiction or a mental health crisis. Located in Allen, Stark and Portage Counties, Coleman offers multi-bed CSUs in a safe, comfortable, neighborhood setting. Clients can stay for up to two weeks –...

Crisis Intervention & Stabilization

A crisis occurs when a stressful life event overwhelms an individual’s ability to cope effectively in the face of a perceived challenge or threat. Crises occur at the spur of the moment and in a variety of settings as trauma can arise quickly. Crises are temporary,...