Caring Community
Official blog of Coleman Health ServicesCaring Community is Coleman’s blog that reports on many aspects of the ever-changing world of behavioral health, recovery and social services. They include stories about wellness, support, new insights, what is happening globally, nationally and locally in the communities served by Coleman Health Services.
Calming School Anxieties
How To Help Your Child Conquer School Anxiety Concrete Action Steps to Reduce Their Stress Levels School has started and students are in the classrooms with their new supplies wearing their new clothes. But now the reality and stresses of the school year are becoming...
Join the Voices for Recovery (Part 1)
National Recovery Month Kicks Off with New Theme This month celebrates the millions of Americans who are in recovery from mental and substance abuse disorders. The Coleman Professional Services team is committed to spreading the word that treatment is valid,...
What You Need to Know About a Mental Health Crisis
A few months ago, a relative of mine died by suicide. It was a shock to the entire family, who didn’t realize she was going through a crisis. They missed the signs. Had her family and friends known, they could have urged her to get help. Unfortunately, there are many...
Your Mental Health: Online vs. In-Person Help
Do Quizzes, Assessments, and Apps Work? In this digital age, it seems reasonable that you should be able to turn to your smartphone for answers about your well being. The world-renowned Cleveland Clinic recently partnered with Oscar for 24/7 video care for their...
Employee Spotlight is on Sandy Myers
This year, Sandy Myers celebrates her 30th year with Coleman Professional Services. As Nelson Burns and the top management team can endorse, Sandy has been instrumental in the expansion of our behavioral health services, both across the area and the depth of services....
Here’s an Infographic that explains two major concerns involving men’s mental health: addiction and suicide.
June is Men’s Health Month “Big boys don’t cry.” “Push through the pain.” These are two sayings many young men grow up with, and unfortunately, they stay in their head throughout adulthood. The stigma that men show no weakness works to the detriment of every man,...
Keep in Tip-Top Mental Shape as Your College Experience Begins
It’s graduation season for high schools and colleges with dreams and trepidations about what’s next is consuming all the new graduates. It’s a time of stress. For high school graduates, the biggest changes in their lives are on the doorstep. Parents: Imagine you’re...
Embrace Mental Health Awareness Month
Since 1949, NAMI and Mental Health America have celebrated May as the month to raise awareness about the importance of having good mental health. Also, it’s their goal to stop the stigma associated with mental health disorders. From our beginnings in 1978, Coleman...
How will you be remembered?
Do you ever wonder how you will be remembered after you’re gone? We all do. It is a normal part of living… and it really is about living. We want to live our life in a way that will leave a positive feeling in the minds of those who know us and, if we’re lucky, to...
Crisis Care and Kids Who Care in Stark County
April 12, 2019 Each year thousands of people face situations in life which require behavioral health care. More so than in any time in history, there is less stigma, more recognition and an evolving scope of treatment and therapy to help anyone who suffers....
During National Volunteer Month, We Are Calling You!
March 29, 2019 By Nelson W. Burns, President & CEO, Coleman Professional Services The entire month of April is set aside to encourage and recognize volunteerism throughout our communities. Founded in 1991 as part of President George H.W. Bush’s 1,000 Points of...
Coleman Helps Our Disenfranchised Clients SOAR
March 15, 2019 By Nelson W. Burns, President & CEO, Coleman Professional Services Imagine you have a severe mental illness, medical impairment or co-occurring substance use issue and are at risk of homelessness. Your illnesses and lack of stable housing make...