In the world of COVID-19, stress has risen to new highs, especially if you:
- Were recently laid-off or furloughed from your job
- Have the coronavirus, know someone who does, or are concerned about getting it
- Are worried about your financial situation
- Live alone and are feeling particularly isolated or on the flip side, are feeling cramped because of all the family togetherness.
The constant stress of not knowing when the pandemic will end and how it will shape your life can lead to chronic stress that may significantly impact your quality of life.
Here are a few indicators that your tension levels are rising. Are you:
- Overreacting to small things?
- Suffering from more headaches?
- More irritable?
- Experiencing an uptick in alcohol, drug, or nicotine use?
- Having a hard time sleeping?
- Watching hours of TV?
While it is understandable to feel negative emotions, it is what you do to address these feelings that can make all the difference during this quarantine time.
Sometimes, doing those things is just not enough. The feeling of stress and anxiety is persistent and negatively affecting your life. Remember Coleman is here for you. Reach out to us at the numbers below.
Coleman Professional Services is committed to the welfare of our staff and the clients we serve. If you are feeling overwhelmed and need help, please do not hesitate to contact us, 24/7, at one of the following telephone numbers in our nine-county area:
While most of what happens with the COVID-19 situation is out of your control, the following stress reducers are within your power and recommended by the World Health Organization to help you cope:
Yes, the gyms are closed. But you can streamline exercise apps or look on Pinterest for ideas. Getting out for a walk is also a good idea. Aim for thirty minutes of activity each day.
Healthy Habits
Focus on keeping up on your water intake, eating healthy fruits and vegetables, and decreasing the amount for processed foods you and your family consume.
Reground With Meditation
You can download guided meditations from your library, check out phone apps, or read an article about the art of breathing. Most wellness experts agree for maximum effectiveness; meditations should be practiced in a quiet space at the end of your day. A free app I recently came across is Oprah & Deepak 21-day meditation, where they will send you a guided meditation every morning for three weeks.
It is vital for your overall physical and mental health. Seven to nine hours is a good target for adults.
Reach Out – Stay Connected
Staying connected with friends and family. Call, email, mail a letter, or video chat with one to three people a day.

Sometimes, doing those things is just not enough. The feeling of stress and anxiety is persistent and negatively affecting your life. Remember Coleman is here for you. Reach out to us at the numbers below.
Coleman Professional Services is committed to the welfare of our staff and the clients we serve. If you are feeling overwhelmed and need help, please do not hesitate to contact us, 24/7, at one of the following telephone numbers in our nine-county area: